MRE Menu 21 – Tuna, Chunk, Light

Let’s post something to get us started!

I actually ate this a while ago, but it might as well serve as my starter. Sorry for the lack of eloquence, I’m heavy on the whisky and in the zone!

I ordered some MREs from MREMountain a while back. Having marathoned Steve1989MREInfo (check it out on Youtube), these have been an obsession of mine for a while. There’s just something fascinating about pre-packaged military food!

It’s actually quite a hefty package!

iPad Air for scale

True to the American fashion I’d expect, these are quite well packaged. Plenty of plastic!

There’s quite a bit inside:

  • Tortillas, Plain
  • Fat-Free Mayonnaise
  • Cheese Spread
  • Tuna Creations, Lemon Pepper
  • Marble Pound Cake
  • Baked Snack Crackers, Cheddar Flavour
  • Lemon-Lime Flavoured No Fruit Juice
  • Reece’s Pieces
  • Accessory Pack
  • MRE Spoon
  • Flameless Ration Heater
  • Cardboard Sleeve

That’s a lot food to eat. All in all this is supposed to be 1/3 of the daily calorific intake for a warfighter, so about 1300 kcal-eroos!

Heating goes the same way as with all MREs: stuff everything you can fit in the cardboard sleeve and stick it in the Flameless Ration Heater.

It’ll be a tight fit, but it’ll go there. Just like….. ok let’s not go there 😀 Once you get it stuck in there, pour in just a splash of water. It says it on the tin with CAPS letters not to overfill, I suggest you keep to this. It’ll go off quite vigorously in a second or two.

I set mine up slanted upright a bit in the sink. Took about a minute for this one to start making sizzling noises and letting off quite a chemical whiff 😀 This’d probably be a bit less off-putting out in the bush, but for me it was enough to keep me at an arm’s distance!

When it came out from being heated, it was time for assembly!

The tortillas were surprisingly soft for what I’d expect from a pre-packaged meal set that’s supposed to last for years in a combat environment. When put together, it makes for a sort of a tortilla…

This honestly doesn’t taste like much. There’s the tuna and the “mayo”, the cheese spread, and some of the snack crackers crushed up, but overall it’s like eating a gas station hot dog; I can recognize it’s a “tortilla” but not really. Bland AF 😀

Let’s see if the dessert is better…

Now this is quite surprising! Really surprisingly good, moist and sweet. Quite similar to Finnish “maustekakku”. I’d have that again. All that’s missing is coffee!

The drink is what you’d expect from the yankees… sickly sweet. Your standard isotonic stuff. Neon green (sorry no pic).

I… wouldn’t drink this again if I had a choice. It’s green and tastes green.

As for the rest, the Cheez-Its (bland AF on their own) and the Reece’s Pieces made quite a good drunken munchies mixture while engaging in a bit of Xbox.

Yeah. That’s parking lot Bourbon from a Glencairn glass 😀 But for a weeknight blast, it made for a good wrap up!. Bit of Skyrim and relaxing, why not!

Overall, not really a flavour explosion but an interesting try. I’ll be posting more MRE notes soon!